Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cast Feels Tight And Toes Turn Purple When Down

23 - The stones of my life

along the path our lives each of us is holding a jar, in which the custody of the stones that we collect along the way we travel over the years.
We come across many of the stones along the path of our lives, from birth until death-stones on which we stumble stones that often block ... on our way ...
I was taught to always choose the colored stones of life and to keep the memories ... I also occasionally look in my jar. I make a statement, the money shot and what comes out does not satisfy me at all. Certainly there are important milestones in the jar ....... Home ... children .... family ... work .... I also see stones that are important and yet in the end I realized I should pull away and run away. They make space for other things ..... do not need !!!!!!! And this is a bitter reflection.
There are many stones on the road of my life, With the experience of my years, I do not think you can ever put them first, but as you collect along the pavement of life, or take away space. Some of us are stumbling stones, others use it to build walls around us, to isolate us, to show our friends and sometimes to crush our dreams.
There are special stones that pave the paths of our hearts, our spirit and build safe havens for our dreams ... the ways of love .... love for children and families for example. Those are special and will never be removed. Never. Other
love that with the passing of time wasting, fade, but remain there because the roads that are we must walk every day and laziness, habit, quiet life is not renewed or embellished.
More beautiful, colorful, lively streets that pave emotions and feelings that we share with someone special, the beloved, the work we produce, we possess and the satisfaction we receive, which open the door of our spirit, our soul. They are the most beautiful stones, those that give meaning and purpose to our lives but, sometimes, just because they are interrupted by other people shared that view faded by now.
in my jar I see a lot of stones, some important, others less so. Some of them I pull away. The other have removed the others. But I do not give up.
will remove sand, gravel and water and space will at least another stone ... important. And if and 'only a utopian dream .... my patience.
dreams, at least those of my child's spirit for the moment still do not cost me anything and no one will remove them.

Eugenia De Bella


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